An independent inspector has given the mandatory purchase powers of the Blackpool Council to carry out his plans for a new Campus of 65 million GBP for Blackpool and the Fylde College, whereby the work is expected to begin this summer.
The new multiversity campus will bring up to 3,000 students and employees to the Blackpool city center and hopes to open at the end of 2027.
The decision of the independent planning inspector, which was appointed by the State Secretary for Housing, Communities and Local Government, follows a two -week public investigation at the end of last year, in which the Council and Blackpool and the Fylde College were submitted. as well as residents and landowners.
Blackpool Council Immobilien has bought through negotiations in the past two years, with more than 80% of the 72 properties already acquired.

The red lined area shows multiversity footprint
The decision of the inspector enables Blackpool Council to use mandatory purchase powers to secure the remaining properties in the area of Cookson Street, the George Street, Grosvenor Street and Milbourne Street.
The Council will continue to negotiate with owners of the remaining real estate to agree on the compensation to be paid.
However, the Council will use the mandatory purchase powers to enable the construction of multiversity in summer.
Cllr Lynn Williams, head of the Blackpool Council, said: “Multiversity is an important part of our plans to make black pool better by bringing thousands of students to the city center and creating a more lively economy and jobs for the locals.
“In the past two years, our employees have worked exceptionally hard to buy real estate and support the people who had to move the house.
“There are some properties in which we have not yet been able to agree with the owners, and the mandatory order procedure means that they are estimated independently of each other to determine a final price if we cannot reach an agreement.”
She added: “During the entire process, we have as understanding and supportive for all residents who had to move home due to the system. This support is still available, and if someone is affected, you can contact us for help. “
The approval of the outlining for the entire multiversity location was granted in 2024 with a decision on a planning application for the first phase of the multiverse expected this spring.
The 115,000 square meter building will include five floors of education in order to offer more than 70 individual courses and to improve the existing college university regulations of the college, which is directly connected to local employment needs.

CGI from Blackpool Multiversity
It would also support a variety of qualifications, from further training to university formation and adult learning.
It is expected that the building itself is carbon -neutral and solar collectors on the roof of the building and are heated by sustainable air source heat pumps. A green roof terrace in the south of the building also enables the students to study and relax in a scenic area.
In addition to the multiversity campus of the first phase, a second phase on the site enables the expansion room for the future plans of the college that are in development. In the short term, the room is used as a temporary parking lot.
Avison Young, together with architect Hawkins \ Brown and advisors, led CBRE as a planning consultant for multiversity.
The Blackpool Council has also appointed Morgan Sindall Construction as the main contractor in a preliminary contact contract.
The multiversity is four of the 350 million GBP of the Talbot -Gateway area of 350 million GBP in the North Station Blackpool, which brings a total of more than 8,000 specialists and students to the region.
A new hotel with a 4-star hotel with 144 bedrooms and Marco Pierre White New York Italian opened in May, while a tram exchange that linked to Blackpool Promenade in June.
A new office of the city center for the Ministry of Work and Pensions will bring more than 3,000 government employees into a new office in the King Street in King Street this spring, while the complete building permit for new 45 million GBP, 52,950 square meters long office Talbot Road which was granted would live to more than 1,000 employees.
The plans for a new multi -storey parking lot on Church Street are expected to be submitted in the course of this year.
The country for the new multiversity is currently being taken over by the Blackpool Council with the support of a state scholarship in the amount of 9 million GBP, while construction was also received in 2023 GBP.