PH starts green energy auction 4, pioneer integration of solar storage

PH starts green energy auction 4, pioneer integration of solar storage

The Filipino government officially started the fourth round of its Green Energy Auction (GEA-4), which was announced by the Ministry of Energy (DOE) today. This auction provides a groundbreaking feature: the integration of solar power plants with Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), which marks a premiere in the country's renewable energies. With the aim of adding 9,378 megawatts (MW) of clean energy capacity, GEA-4 aims to strengthen the reliability of the network and at the same time accelerate the transition of the country to renewable energies.

The DOE published the reference conditions (gate) for GEA-4 and describes a transparent and competitive framework for the selection of projects. The auction includes a diverse mix of renewable technology-based solar, roof solar, floating solar and onshore wind installation goals from 2026 to 2029 in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

An outstanding function is the addition of 1,100 MW solar capacity, paired with energy storage systems (ESS), called integrated renewable energy and energy storage systems (ires). These projects are designed in such a way that they store excess energy and release them when demand reaches its peak, which improves the stability of the national network.

Sub -state secretary Rowena Cristina L. Guevara emphasized the importance of this initiative and found that the release of the gate reflects the Philippines' commitment to clean energy and energy security. The doe projects that GEA-4 will have significant investments to support the country's goal of achieving a share of 35% of renewable energies on the energy mix by 2030.

The auction's capacity goals are ambitious. For 2026, Luzon (Lot 1) 1,000 MW will take place with floor mounting, 1,040 MW floating solar and 320 MW onshore wind and 50 MW IRESS projects. By 2029 Mindanao (Lot 12) is planned for 200 MW onshore wind and 120 MW ground soles with 100 MW IRESS capacity.

The inclusion of floating sunlight-especially in Luzon with a total of 2,975 MW in the four years of innovative land use solutions, while the energy storage takes into account the challenges of renewable energies for the intermittence.

In order to qualify for IRESS projects, solar systems must correspond to strict technical standards, including at least a four-hour memory duration and an eating inverter ratio of at least 0.2 compared to the solar capacity. The DOE also stipulates 85%back and return efficiency to ensure efficient energy consumption. Existing solar systems that are confronted can be involved, provided that they lack a preliminary authority for the operation or compliance with compliance.

The GEA-4 process begins with the auction (NOA) published today, although the timelines become effective after its upcoming publication in the effectiveness of the circular Department No. DC2025-03-004. This circular updates the guidelines for Green Energy Auction Program (GEAP) and introduces the indexing of Green Energy Tariff (GET) defined by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC). This adaptation aims to maintain fair prices in terms of market fluctuations and to strengthen the trust of investors.

Registration for qualified suppliers opens a working day after the ERC published the Prize for Green Energy Auction Reserve (Gear). The suppliers must hold a contract for renewable energies or a certificate of authorization in accordance with revised guidelines. Profit projects will secure 20-year supply contracts from their date of commercial operation and offer long-term stability for developers.

When the Philippines pione this solar storage integration with GEA-4, questions: Will this ambitious urge to renew energy and storage finally give the scales towards sustainability or could the technical and financial hurdles slow the green dynamics of the nation? Share your thoughts!

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