“It is an infinite fight”

"It is an infinite fight"

Green Thumbs in One Thread Online have triggered a debate about weed management techniques. In particular, the topic is whether landscape tissue (also known as “weed barrier”) is worth the anger. The conversation in the R/Homestead Subreddit indicates that shared garden head pain is provided with the fabric.

The original poster asked: “Should I use a barrier under mulch?” They further asked about the advantages and disadvantages of using Hessian (sack linen) or cardboard compared to a thick layer of mulch to control weeds. While these materials, in contrast to conventional plastic barriers, are biodegradable and regarded as environmentally friendly, the discussion showed that even these options are associated with challenges.

A commentator summarized it: “Weed stuff will lead to problems in the long run. They have dirt, covered with weeds. Mulch above. Looks great for 1-2 years, but the mulch breaks out into the ground and then more mulch.

The selection of the wrong weed management method can waste time, money and resources. Traditional landscape design, although they are marketed as a “simple” weed control solution, is only effective for a short time and it is a problem to get rid of.

After all, weeds root into the fabric (this also applies to environmentally friendly options such as Hessian). It is also bad for soil health – it compresses the soil (it becomes more difficult to plant) and reduces the oxygen and water flow.

Alternative weed management – such as mulching, plant rotation and cover fruits – can save the gardeners a lot of money and time in the long run. You still have to pull a few weeds here and there, but local cover fruits can ward off unwanted intruders with less effort.

They also improve soil health and attract pollinators. Even if you get part of your garden with plants such as clover and buffalo grass again, this can make a difference.

Most comments agreed that weed barriers are not worth the time and effort. One person expressed the frustration with which many gardeners are exposed to: “I think that that people forget is that there is nobody. Rocks, mulch, fabric – they all collect dirt and dust, the weed seeds collect what weed is growing …

Another added: “No, only 4 inches in the spring. It is not ambiguous – some really bad weeds are still going through, which you have to remove from hand/mechanically – like wild violet. Weed barriers are fraud and anger.”

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