The project, which has chosen to redesign the sports arena in San Diego, focuses on new details on how to add thousands of apartments and a replacement arena to change the landscape of the 49 hectare area, change traffic patterns in an overloaded part of the city and promote bending and walking in one area that is currently difficult to navigate.
On Monday, the city of San Diego published the draft of the subsequent environmental impact report and the associated technical studies for the specific plan that increases halfway, as required according to the Californian Environmental Quality Act.
The report describes every way in how the increasing project of Midway changes in the region and determines measures to reduce some of the largest expected environmental impact.
The draft analysis showed that four effects – land use, transport and distribution, historical and tribe, cultural resources and noise – will be considerable and inevitable even after the reduction.
The publication of the analysis represents an important Milepost on the long way to a land lease for the city's property under 3220, 3240, 3250 and 3500 Sports Arena BLVD. In Midway District.
The draft of environmental protection, which is available for a 45-day review period for public and agencies, puts the city on the right track and the rising development team before the end of the year, said Brad Termini, CEO of the market for market-rate apartment buildings Zephyr and a project manager.
“This is a massive milestone for the Midway Stemming Project,” said Termini. “Midway Rising is a neighborhood -definent, transit -oriented project with intelligent growth principles.
In September 2022, the members of the San Diego city council selected in the middle of the promotion to redesign its real estate at the Sport Arena Boulevard.
Midway Rising is made up of Zephyr, the affordable housing building Chelsea Investment Corp. as well as from the legends of the venue operators of sports and entertainment. The Kroenke Group, a subsidiary of the real estate company of billionaire Stan Kroenke, is the main investor and the limited partner of the company.

The environmental analysis of the project builds on the work in 2018 for the community plan and only focuses on effects that are relevant for changed circumstances in the halfway increasing specific plan.
The specific plan includes 4,254 residential units, a replacement arena of 16,000 seats and 130,000 square meters of commercial space, 8.1 hectares of parks and another 6.4 hectares of places and public space in 49.2 acres of land. The team has promised to put 2,000 residential units aside for households that earn 80% or less of the middle income of the area or which is considered affordable living space.
The development is built in two phases in two phases over a period of 10 years, starting with the eastern part of the location according to the environmental analysis of the design. The document identifies a starting date for construction in winter 2026, delays in connection with environmental work have not allowed this timeline, said a spokesman for the team.
The initial phase opens with a new, 380,550 square meter entertainment center at a maximum amount of 165 feet and an almost 3 hectare public square, which is described as a square outside of the event location. The first phase also includes 875 residential units in 105 feet high buildings and commercial areas east of a new street, Frontier Drive, which halves the location between Kurtz Street to the North and the Sports Arena Boulevard in the south.
The remaining parts are added in a second phase, which is expected to be completed five years after the first phase, according to the document. The second phase includes another north-south-road, the Kemper Street, the majority of the residential units next to a large Neighborhood park called Green and what is left of the commercial area west of the Frontier Drive.
“From the perspective of the phases, the project goes east to west,” said Shelby Jordan, project manager for Midway Rising. “The main reason for this is … to make the new entertainment center open, since we can unlock the balance of the website if we have the opportunity to demonstrate the existing sports arena.”

The traffic effects of the project were examined separately with vehicle miles due to land use, a measurement that examines the total miles of all vehicles within a certain area.
For the proportion of the project, the vehicle miles per resident will have less than significantly affect transport, the report says. The analysis carried out by the consultant Kimley Horn using various traffic models estimates that the residents run 11.3 miles per day, 8.6 miles per day in 2035 and 10.6 miles per day in 2050, with the miles per residence under a significance threshold of 85% of the regional average fell.
In a separate local mobility analysis, which dealt with another metric, Kimley Horn estimates that in 2030 6,573 daily apartments or after the completion of phase one and 24,486 daily dwellings in 2035 or after completing the project, there will be daily dwellings.
Conversely, the use of trade and entertainment has a significant impact on transport, which means that the net increase in the vehicle miles for both uses will occur, according to the environmental impact report.
In 2035 there will be a regional net change in vehicle miles of 24,981 miles for commercial use, which is mainly related to the journey and the target restaurants of the project, the report says.
The analysis estimates that an increase of 839,145 vehicle miles per year in connection with the use of entertainment use has driven when the kilometers driven to the existing arena with the Arena connected to the Future Entertainment Center.
In local mobility analysis, the new daily trips for all types of use during a typical sports event or a concert are set at 22,514 daily trips at Build Out.
The document identifies two reduction measures to reduce the transport effects.
The first measure developed to combat restaurant tours calls for a daily shuttle for the first 10 years after opening the project between the newly created Frontier Drive and the old town of Transit Center. Although the idea is to use the use of the transit in incentive, the shuttle would not reduce the effects of commercial means of transport below a level of significance, the report says.
The second reduction measure is a prerequisite for ARENA employees for the first 10 years after the project opened. According to Kimley Horn's analysis, the measure will reduce the effects of entertainment to below a level of significance.
The company estimates that the employee of employees transit will reduce the average daily vehicle miles by 6,124 miles for the use of entertainment. The model assumes that 50% of 885 employees of the Transit entertainment center will complete.

The project also plans to make several changes to streets outside the location and intersections in order not only to improve the flow of traffic to and from the location, but also to create an environment that is conducive to walking, cycling and transit.
“If you think about some of the challenges you see in the sports arena and Rosecrans when events occur here, this is mainly due to the fact that people all come in the same way,” said Jordan. “Part of our strategy is to educate and encourage people, now to find alternative opportunities to access the website for events. This is not only in your cars and in the various parking structures that you will reach, but also in other transportation, namely the possibility to consider the people with the old way.
In particular, the Sports Arena Boulevard will drive from a six -lane road to a four -lane road with only bus traces and a wide promenade, which includes a multi -purpose path before the project location.
In addition, an approximately 1 miles long stretch of the Rosecrans Street between the old town Transit Center and the Kurtz Street from a four-lane road to a two-lane road with a left lane with the left, a lanes of buses and a two-way bike and a sidewalk.
The Kurtz Street is also to be talked about to enable a two-way trip from Sherman Street to the west to the Hancock Street and to present a promenade with a multi-purpose route in front of the project location.
When it comes to parking, the project provides to build its parking structures within the residential and mixed use buildings. The specific plan requires a total of 7,040 places with 4,550 places for residents, 2,100 rooms for entertainment center visitors and 390 places for shop and restaurant guests.
The setup means that the ascent in the middle of the ascent outside the location and the overflow car park is used when events draw masses of more than 7,500 people, the report says.
The local mobility analysis suggests that the parking lot for limited venue is a deliberate selection that is intended to force a change in driving behavior.
“It was found that the number of available parking spaces encourages the audience to use other means of transport and possibly minimize the amount of traffic quantities that are to be added to the road network,” the analysis says.
Termini said, however, that the developers designed the project with sufficient Arena parking spaces for today's market, which means that there would be no change in behavior, since a percentage of visitors will of course decide to bring the trolley to the old town Transit Center.
However, there will be some adjustments to the status quo.
“Let's be honest, there was a habit that people have been on the sports arena for 60 years and parked at the front door,” said Jordan. “People will develop in relation to what they are used to and what they are used to.”
The other significant and inevitable effects of the project, which rises on the middle rising, are associated with the demolition of the existing sports arena, the certain historical resource and noise levels of which exceeds outdoors at special events in public areas.
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