Portaljabar, Bekasi Regency – The government of the Bekasi Regency signed a memorandum of understanding with the Citarum River Basin Center (BBWS) on the construction of insulation, recording and rehabilitation of the secondary irrigation network of Srenengseng Hilir in Sukajaya Village, Cibitung District (24/3/2025).
The regent of Bekasi, Ade Kuswara Kunang, appreciated this cooperation.
According to him, Synergy with BBWS Citarum avoids overlapping authority in the development of the irrigation infrastructure, which was previously the responsibility of BBWS.
“With this agreement, the Bekasi Regency government can also participate in the development so that the advantages for the community are maximized,” he said.
Ade added that the development and restructuring of river rivers and irrigation could anticipate in Bekasi Regency.
“I would like to thank BBWS Citarum and the provincial government of West Java (Pemprov) for this cooperation,” he said.
Ade emphasized various problems in Bekasi Regency, such as land conversion, non -authorized buildings and the condition of the non -preserving and full of garbage.
He appealed to the public to support the normalization and management of river areas so that the floods can be prevented in the future.
“I ask the public to understand whether there is a building check that hinders this project so that the construction runs smoothly,” he said.
Ade promised to organize the river by building fences, gardens and other decorative ornaments.
He invited the public to sharpen the environmental awareness by not throwing garbage into rivers or irrigation channels.
Head of BBWS Citarum, Mochammad Dian Al Ma'ruf, welcomed this cooperation.
According to him, this agreement will accelerate development projects and facilitate the burden on the central budget.
“With the construction of the Srenengseng Hilir dam, the regulation of the water discharge from Jatiluhur will be more optimal,” he said.
Dian explained that BBWS was dealt with with the irrigation of Srenengseng Hilir from BS Zero to 34 before signing this memorandum of understanding.
“With the construction of a more permanent dam by the government of Bekasi Regency, the irrigation system can be improved more extensively,” he said.
This development is said to be completed in a budget year via the state budget (APBN), with a target completion in December 2025.
“We hope that the people who live in irrigation support this project so that the arrangement is going well,” he concluded.
The government of Bekasi Regency and BBWS Citarum confirmed their commitment to continued to synergate when organizing the irrigation infrastructure for a better environment and the well -being of the residents of Bekasi Regency. (Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi/fauziah)