Designers secretly judge their wrong counter stool height

Designers secretly judge their wrong counter stool height

While we all have a lot of opinions on home culture, interior designers actually have the know-how to properly carry out ideas. Regardless of whether it is the endurance of the farmhouse or the “offensive” tablecloth length, many designers are not afraid to make their prospects known to design topics. One of the most outrageous design faux pas? Use a bar stool on which a counter stool should be. Even if it appears a little thing, it can be something that design experts can separate immediately – and they will judge them.

We asked interior designers to explain when to use a counter stool with a chair chair and how you can prevent this error in the future.

A design wrong PAS

Luxury kitchen.

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Yes, it is true: some of us are guilty of setting a bar stool on which a counter stool should be, and vice versa. Although this does not end up in the interior design prison, the look can be quite uncomfortable – not to mention uncomfortable for the sitter.

Jessica Dorling, owner and main designer of the Dorling Design Studio, explains that the counter, which are approximately 25 inches in the seat height, are designed for tables or kitchen table heights that are about 36 inches in size.

“This pairing provides comfortable proportions for seating and food. However, if you use a bar stool that usually has a seat height of about 32 inches, there is not enough space for your legs, which makes the combination unpleasant and impractical,” she says.

Dorling continues that the seating person feels uncomfortable and uncomfortable when they place a switch stool at a switch of the bar height, as the counter is several centimeters too high to get the right food and drink.

“In addition to the functional problems, a visual imbalance does not produce any matching stool. What initially looks into the eye is confirmed as soon as you sit down and find that the proportions are uncomfortable,” she says.

It is therefore important to achieve a balance between the right size and the right ratio, such as Audrey Check, founder and main designer from Audrey Check Design, says.

In general, Dorling says that the three most common stool heights apply to a standard table, a kitchen counter and a bar – but it is the counter height and the stool height of the bar height that really create controversy, since people exchange them interchangeable.

Tips to follow

Rustic modern domestic kitchen harmony with natural wood accents

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Follow these tips approved by designers to determine whether you should buy a shop or bar stool for your room to prevent a mixture of stool/bar stools.

When choosing a chair for a table, a standard kitchen worktop or a bar, Dorling emphasizes how important it is to ensure space between the top of the chair seat and the underside of the surface.

“This room enables a comfortable fit for your legs and ensures the right functionality at the table or the counter,” she notes.

Scheck says that it is the key to rethink the seat height compared to the total height.

“The seat height is the most important measurement for comfort because it has a direct impact on how comfortable you can sit,” she says. “Make sure that there is enough space so that you can easily sit, with a real leg space for a relaxed posture.”

You can also take into account that the chair height is not the only factor that can be considered when choosing the right chair for maximum comfort and functionality – as Dorling indicates, the width should also be taken into account.

She advises: “When planning your selection for chairs, the general rule is to enable 24 -inch width per chair to ensure sufficient personal space. If you select stools who have swiveling or arms, make sure that you add a little more space between you to get comfort and easy movement.”

This has to be considered, but if you need a solid tip to take with you, Scheck advises: “If your meter height is the standard -36 -inch chairs, meter stools are the ideal choice. For bars or high tables in the range of 40 to 42 inches, pole stools are the preferred fit.“”

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