New rules that have been issued for construction sites in Niagara Falls

New rules that have been issued for construction sites in Niagara Falls

© Photo by Dragonimages

Ontario Construction News Staff Writer

In a step that aims to improve public security and improve the visual attraction of construction sites, the city council of Niagara Falls officially approved the building bodies and issued the statute for construction fences. The new regulation requires uniform, structurally well-founded fences around active and stagnating construction sites to ensure both the security and aesthetic improvements for residents and visitors.

The statutes that expand the existing real estate standards and construction obligations determines clear rules for the materials, the design and placement of fences at project locations. It also includes enforcement measures to treat neglected or unsightly fences and motivate the immediate removal of graffiti and vandalism.

“This is an important upgrade in this first step,” said Luciano Chieca, chief official at the construction at a council meeting. “There will be a bit of digestive disorders for some of our builders so that this can be absorbed first, and then I think we can move on it. . . Certain specific areas while we improve this. “

The Council instructed the employees for the first time to explore solutions for securing construction sites in November 2023 and to react to public complaints about poorly maintained fences and blocked projects. After refining the proposal in April 2024, the final statute now contains specific requirements for fence, height and location, especially in commercial and high traffic areas.

Niagara CouncilNiagara CouncilImportant requirements of the construction fence statute

  • Mandatory Zuene-Jeder construction, demolition, abandoned or fire-damaged location must have a safe scope.
  • Aesthetic standard in commercial and tourist areas must exist with high-quality materials such as plywood or OSB fences and be painted in uniform, approved colors (brown, gray or black).
  • Works of art and signage workers can include decorative art or project-related signage subject to the approval of the city.
  • Safety regulations – fences must be at least 1.8 meters high near public sidewalks, have no climbing elements and contain locked gates outside of the construction hours.
  • Maintenance and distance – every vandalism must be covered or removed immediately, and the fencing must be removed within 20 working days after the project has been completed. • Mandatory Zuene-Jeder location under construction, demolition or a long-term task must have a safe edge fence.

In commercial, tourist and BIA zones (Business Improvement Area), fences must consist of uniform materials such as 12.5 mm thick, smooth outdoor plywood, wafer board, OSB or an equivalent material.

In other areas, fencing must still be structurally solid and general security and aesthetic guidelines.

Fencing in designated commercial and tourist zones must be painted in one of three approved colors – brown, gray or black – or a special permit for alternative designs. Contractors can include decorative art, company logos or signs for future developments, subject to the approval of the city.

The statutes offer the city officials the authority to enforce compliance and take corrective measures against violations. The general manager for planning, structure and development will monitor the implementation and ensure that all construction projects meet the new standards.

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