Plan was introduced for Greeleye's almost 1,000 hectares of Arroyos del Sol Natural Area Greeley Tribune

Plan was introduced for Greeleye's almost 1,000 hectares of Arroyos del Sol Natural Area Greeley Tribune

The department for natural areas and trails by Greeley presented the location plan for the Arroyos del Sol nature area this month.

In a press release from the city, important features such as multiple use paths in the middle of the picturesque bluff, a central meeting room on a hill with picnic areas and play areas, special zones to protect the habitats for more than 91 animals and a rare plant species, bicycle course and interpretative signs.

On February 28, the city closed the almost 1,000 hectare property next to the Rissile Site Park, 10611 Colorado, 257 track. The city protected the area with an increase in maintenance, and Colorado Open Lands will keep the relief in the long run. The property bought the trust for public country in 2022 with the support of the city and outdoors to protect it from development.

The agricultural and water protection fund, Ducks Unlimited and the city of Windsor also provided funds for the project.

The landscape architecture company Mundus Bishop created the location plan with surveys, tours and focus groups to compensate for relaxation and maintenance. Experts for wild animals, natural resources and trail design also helped planning.

“We present this room as a regional goal that celebrates the natural beauty of our city and at the same time promotes tourism,” was cited in the publication of Greeley's cultural, park and leisure director Diana Frick.

The city will upgrade the property in phases, starting with paths, parking spaces, shadow pavilions and toilets. The city will expand these amenities and at the same time prioritize the preservation in future projects. The residents are invited to get involved in through volunteer events and project activity.

Arroyos del Sol is currently closed to protect wild animals and muddy paths. The city will reopen the nature area at the end of this month or April depending on the weather.

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