Stardock announces fences 6, beta now available

Beta available with tabs, symbol tones and new corporate functions

Plymouth, me.Present March 7, 2025 / Prnewswire/ – Stardock has published its first fences® 6 beta today – a big update for its popular Windows desktop organization software with over 20 million downloads. Fences is the easiest way to organize your desktop workflow by organizing apps, files and symbols on the desktop.

Fences 6 introduces tabs, a function with which you can put together several fawn groups in a tab experience for a modern layout. And with the possibility of dynamically adding and removing tabs, the fences 6 further increases the beams as the best desktop organization tool for Windows.

Also new in fences 6 is the possibility of applying a color tone to all symbols on your desktop. With this simple but innovative function you can apply a single color to all of your desktop symbols to create a deflection-free layout or to help a single fence. In combination with many quality updates such as improved navigation for Portals ™ folder, Fance 6 is another big step for functionality and personalization.

Fenen is used every day by thousands of companies, from health care to legal offices and financial organizations. To help these companies, to use Desktop symbols, add additional tools for companies to create additional tools for companies with several configurations that are finished via the box. And since Stardock also offers customer -specific provision configurations with every Enterprise rollout, Fance 6 is the configurable, available and scalable version of fences ever.

“Fences 6 is our biggest leap forward for the product act,” said Brad SamsGeneral Manager of Stardock Software. “Fences is generally the best way to organize your desktop, and with the new functions in Fences 6 it is now the best tool to not just manage your desktop, but also every desktop in your company.”

The beta of the fences 6 is starting today $ 8.99 for a limited time and is also included in the award-winning object desktop® suite.

Fences 6 beta screenshots:

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About Stardock: Stardock software is the world's leading developer of desktop improvements. Stardock software such as Fences®, Start11 ™, Windowblinds ™, Groupy®, Desioncapes ™, Multiplicity® and more have been developing for over 30 years.

Source Stardock software

Stardock announces fences 6, beta now available

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